Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Christmas Carol Special Edition

When most of us think of the classic story, A Christmas Carol, we probably envision a scene from one of the many movies made of the story, such as the 1951 version with Alastair Sim or perhaps the Disney version starring Jim Carrey. I recently reread the story of the miserly Scrooge’s transformation in Standard Publishing’s 2009 special edition by Stephen Skelton. This edition comes with “Christian Insights & Discussion Questions for Groups & Families” but also makes an enjoyable read on its own. I especially liked the notes which helped explain unfamiliar or antiquated terms, such as the word scrooge which means “to squeeze.” Other notes help place the story in its 19th century British setting, such as when we are told that the famous line, “God bless us every one,” could not be spoken on the London stage due to the cautiousness of those who checked scripts for blasphemy.

Discussion questions are included after each of the five staves (or chapters) of the story and were designed for use with readers across a range of ages. The questions are divided into four sections: Telling the Story, Telling Your Story, Telling the Story of Christmas, and Living the Story. It is suggested that the “A” and “B” questions be used with younger readers. The questions will help readers see the spiritual meaning behind A Christmas Carol as well as relate the story to their own lives and should provide lots of stepping off points for sharing ideas in a family or small group.

For those seeking to find the true meaning of Christmas in the midst of the madness and materialism of our world, it would be worthwhile to spend an hour or two reading A Christmas Carol and then sharing their thoughts and insights with others. The book is available on Amazon for a reasonable $7.99.